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Support Assist the Officer, Houston

Assist the Officer relies on generous donations to provide immediate financial assistance to Houston Police Officers and/or their families that have applied for assistance, as well as daily operations. If you would like to donate to a specific officer, please see our current benefits.

Donations made to the Retired K9 Fund are used to care for retired HPD canines during their retirement. These special canines served the City of Houston and we honor their service by helping their handlers pay for annual vet bills to cremation services. 

During Hurricane Harvey in 2017, we learned  how disorienting and difficult a disaster can be on Houston Police Officers.  While officers perform high water rescues and volunteer at shelters, they are in need of food, necessities,  and often financial help repairing their homes.

Contribute through your company as part of a payroll deduction plan or send us your donations to:

Assist the Officer
Attn: Executive Director
1600 State Street
Houston, Texas 77007

We will send you a thank you letter or email for your tax records.



Kroger’s Community Rewards program is another way to support Assist the Officer. Register your Kroger Plus Card Rewards # or Alt ID (Phone Number) at


Randalls offers customers a way to direct donation dollars to Assist the Officer by linking the Assist the Officer exclusive account number (749) with your Remarkable card. Go by your local Randalls Courtesy Booth and request for an appropriate form. Complete it and put in #749 as your choice of non profit organization – that’s it. So each time you shop at Randalls, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Assist the Officer – what an easy way to give to a worthy cause.

COMBINED MUNICIPAL CAMPAIGN *Available to City Employees Only*

The Combined Municipal Campaign, or CMC, extends the opportunity to city employees to demonstrate a strong sense of community by supporting issues that concern the citizenry of Houston. The CMC is an annual drive to raise funds from city employees to be contributed to various charitable organizations of their choice. The campaign begins in August and continues through the end of October. If you are a City of Houston employee and would like to contribute to Assist the Officer through this CMC program, please contact the City of Houston HR department for complete the appropriate form. REMEMBER: The last day to sign up is October 31st!

1600 State Street
Houston, Texas 77007
View Map
P: 713-223-4286
F: 713-200-2470
E: [email protected]